Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 the year of Oxygen

From the moment of conception all living beings are  subject to a process of continual change.
Every individual is personally responsible for their own self-awakening and liberation, as they
are the one's responsible for their own actions and consequences ...... this  is the Buddhist concept of cause and effect, or causality (Sanskrit word: Karma)
This concept  of  Karma  can be used to question and investigate the nature of suffering.

2011 has been the year of  SiLas needing to be on Oxygen full-time,  the year Si went thru all the battery of tests to see if he would be accepted  and then placed on the lung TX list, which he was. He  made the decision to go "active" on the list a little over 2 weeks ago.

We have lived with an Oxygen Compressor in our small apartment, which makes a bit of noise and has a presence of its own. It kind of looks like R2D2  to me. When Si leaves the house he has to make sure he has enough tanks with him, this was something new to have to think about, but we all got used to the new routine pretty quickly.
The first time Si and I went for a walk at the Arboretum in the snow last winter I thought he looked like the man on the moon, with his oxygen on his back, exploring  new frontiers, all that was missing was a helmet.
As Si likes to say"If he wasn't tethered by these tubes he would be slappin the  pavement"
Si never let CF define him and he wasn't about to let Oxygen define him either..........The only time CF cramps his style is when his lungs get sick and he needs a course of IV drugs..........but now unfortunately the drugs aren't working so well and his lungs have seen better days, so he is excited and optimistic about
the TX in 2012...... OM MANI PADME HUM..........
Happy New Year! ...... may all sentient beings be free from  suffering....

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