Wednesday, June 26, 2013

FEV1 ~~~ 50%

Wed. June 26th, 2013>>SiLas Be Team Update>>>

SiLas 2.0.....Lung Function 15% to 50% and rising.
I brought him a chinese carry out of wonton soup 
chinese chicken and broccoli in a light sauce for lunch about noon.
He and I had Diabetes education after lunch so he can learn how to check his insulin levels and inject insulin himself in the back of his arm or thigh with meals if he needs it, and he has been needing to take it
He was up all night last night when the storm started, so not much sleep again. Dan and I finally got 6 hours of much needed rest last night...But I needed to get up about 6 to do some research......
I went for a longer walk in the hallway with SiLas this afternoon. His feet are really sore and swollen due to all the fluids that are in his body at the moment. He was pretty tired when we got back to the room about 3 so I got him settled into his recliner chair with comfy pillows, turned the lights out, and put on "Amma" so he could get a short rest. The 3rd tube will be taken out of his lungs soon. He is still on a small amount of oxygen, 2 liters, because he is still sore from the surgery. The stronger he gets and the more he works the new lungs, he will start to feel more comfortable breathing without the aid of oxygen. It is a bit of a security blanket for him right now. For 2 and 1/2 years he has depended on it. He will have to wean off at his own pace so he can feel 100% comfortable without it.

This is the psychological aspect of getting new lungs transplanted into you. I believe Healing is a mind/body connection. 

The drawing in this photo was done by Si's good friend Drew Yerkes. He did a series of 10 Lung drawings for SiLas, as a going away gift before he left for Indonesia to serve in the peace corps for 2 years.

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